Bartenfelder Landscape Service is the preferred full-service landscape company offering quality, fast, and valued service in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania & New Jersey.
Bartenfelder professionally installs and supplies soil erosion and sediment control products for large and small-scale commercial, industrial, and residential projects. General contractors, home builders, commercial site developers, and highway engineers rely on Bartenfelder to provide timely and professional solutions for construction projects.
Sediment & Erosion Control
Temporary Site Stabilization
Permanent Site Stabilization
Slope & Swale Erosion Control Blankets
Construction Entrances
Inlet Protection
Baffle Boards
Gabion Inlet Protection
Gabion Inflow & Basket Installation
Tree Protection Fence
Ambush Mowing
Light Site Clearing
When property managers, general contractors, municipalities and builders need a professional landscape team to provide trusted service, Bartenfelder is who they call. Commercial landscape service enhances the curb appeal and investment value of properties. Bartenfelder has worked with leading commercial property owners in Maryland and Pennsylvania since 1992. We currently service clients as diverse as commercial properties, homeowners Associations, apartment complexes, shopping centers and municipalities.
Landscape Installation and Renovation
Turf Maintenance
Seeding & Hydroseeding
Sod and Athletic Field Installation
Fertilization & Aeration
Mulching and Leaf Removal
Grading & Fine Raking
Wetland Planting & Remediation
Reforestation Planting & Maintenance
Segmental Retaining Walls
Reinforced Segmental Retaining Walls
Large Block Structural Retaining Walls
Gabion Basket Retaining Walls
Commercial Services
Storm Water Ponds Pavers & Permeable Pavers
Bioretention Ponds Reinforced Turf Roads
Submerged Gravel Wetlands Emergency Access Lanes
Renovation & Maintenance of SWM Facilities
We understand the needs of commercial property owners and managers and the necessity of responsible maintenance
programs to fit specific requirements. Bartenfelder provides regular maintenance with seasonal services necessary to
keep tenants, employees, and customers healthy, safe, and proud of their properties.